Personal Statement
When I was ten years old, my teachers arranged a take-home projectto observe nature, and I chose to bring home a goldfish. Unfortunately, a weekinto the project, I found the goldfish belly-up and not swimming. I thought itwas ill, but my mother said it had died from lack of oxygen, likely because Ih...
Statement of Purpose
In 2010, I witnessed an ecological watercourse engineering projectcome to fruition in my hometown. The River had become severelypolluted due to rapid local industrialization; it had become so riddled withrefuse that it stopped flowing and became stagnant. The project was incrediblysuccessful, and af...
Recommendation Letter
DearAdmission Officer, My nameis XX and I taught Miss XX XX. Havingknown her since 2017, I have become very well acquainted with this young lady.As I heard XX was going to receive further education abroad, I was happyto provide this letter of recommendation. Duringmy lectures of the ...