留学文书答疑丨有必要在我的PS里提及Gap year吗?Is it necessary to mention “gap year” in my PS?
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Andy D 文章作者铭牌

BPP Law School, Holborn, London,
Oxford graduate - Philosophy, Politics and Economics; GDL/LPC Law (BPP - London); three years at Simmons & Simmons in London and HK (corporate law, asset finance - aircraft, employment law, information technology and outsourcing); co-founder - mydocumate.com. Extensive drafting, proof-reading, advisory experience.



Hello Andrew, I would like to ask, is it necessary to mention “gap year” in my ps? Like I did gap year, and why did I gap?


Thanks for submitting this and sorry I didn’t have time to reply during the live Q&A session!

My key questions would be:

Did it happen within the last 2-3 years?

As a general rule-of-thumb material you include in your PS should be recent? The reason? Because your PS is making the case for your motivation, your aptitude, your personality as it is right now! Today!

Did you do something related to your target program or subject?

If yes, then that is certainly suggests there may be a good reason to include it. Remember: The PS is not a resume, it’s not an autobiography… it’s purpose is to make an argument for your admission to your target school.

Therefore don’t seek to provide a descriptive or linear narrative account of your whole life up to the moment you picked up your metaphorical pen and started writing the PS!

So, did your gap year include something relevant to your target program? Did you do things that demonstrate suitable skills or motivations?

Why are you asking me this particular question? 🙂

Often people place undue emphasis on small sources of worry when they’re preparing their applications. Obviously it depends on the specifics of your situation, but I would say generally, if your concern is that an unexplained gap year would somehow harm your application… don’t be.


Consider whether the gap year can contribute to your case for admission (bearing in mind the points I’ve made above). On that basis, does it have a place in your document?

If not, and you want to explain it, perhaps give what you did on the gap year a line on your resume.

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